The end of the year is always a time for both reflection and celebration. As we look back on 2016, the Chicago Chopin Foundation has plenty of accomplishments to be proud of. The core team of volunteers continued to grown and become more formally organized and effective. On March 1st, Chopin's 206th birthday, we held a formal press conference presenting the project to the public in a Grant Park facility. We further established our Grand Constitution Day Concert in the Chopin Garden as the climax of the annual May 3rd Polish Constitution Day Parade building on our success from the previous year. Our Autumn Gardening and Concert event engaged the community as we got our hands dirty in the garden, refreshing the soil with mulch, plating flowers, picking up rubbish that all concluded with a serene concert performed by Dr. Jonathan Fang. The press continued to highlight our efforts in the papers. Our fundraising effort secured, among numerous contributions, a landmark donation of $10,000.00 dollars from the prestigious Blanca Rosenstiel Foundation further establishing trust in our organization.

And finally, the year came to a fantastic finish at out Chicago Chopin Foundation Christmas Party where we had the great pleasure of unveiling our new vibrant red baby grand piano. The piano is of particular importance because it allows us greater freedom and opportunities to host piano concerts and 2017 will see a significant expansion of events with programming in both the Chopin Garden and various other locations.

The Chicago Chopin Foundation wants to offer you deep thanks and gratitude for your continued support. And with that, we will see you next year!