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The Great Constitutional Concert Artist Bios

Konrad Binienda Bio

Pianist and composer Dr. Konrad Binienda is a graduate of the DMA program at the ClevelandInstitute of Music studying with renown pianist Haeson Paik. Since his debut with The Cleveland Orchestra in 2007, Polish-American pianist Konrad Binienda has performed in recitaland with orchestras throughout the United States and Europe, winning acclaim for his highlyindividual and probingly musical performances. Dr. Binienda is a recipient of the 2011 Hastings Prize for Musical Performance at HarvardUniversity and a laureate of the 2010 Chopin Piano Competition sponsored by the KosciuszkoFoundation in New York, as well as the winner of the first prize of the 25th International ChopinCompetition hosted by the Fryderyk Chopin Society of Texas in 2017. He received his Master ofMusic degree in Piano Performance from the New England Conservatory as a student of Wha-Kyung Byun. He has studied with Sergei Babayan and Gerardo Teissonnière at the ClevelandInstitute of Music, and with Phillipe Giusiano, Wojciech Switala and Viktor Mierzhanov in Europe.

Mr. Binienda is the winner of the 2010 Peabody Mason International Piano Competition, the 2008 Mozart Society Orchestra's Concerto Competition at Harvard University and is also an accomplished composer. InMay 2011 he performed his own piano concerto in E minor with the Pforzheimer House Orchestra at HarvardUniversity. In December of 2006, he performed the first movement of this Piano Concerto with the AkronSymphony Orchestra. His composition Mazurkafor piano, bass, violin, and guitar, won the second prize ofthe second Carl E. Baldassarre composer-performer competition as well as the audience award.In the upcoming 2017-2018 season, Dr. Binienda will be performing in concerts in Poland, Texas, Cleveland as well as a Carnegie Hall recital which was awarded to him for winning 5th International Chopin Competition hosted by the Fryderyk Chopin Society of Texas in 2017. As a result of his victory in this competition, he will also be recording his first professional CD of music of Fryderyk Chopin.

Marta Witosławska ur.13.08.1976 r. Naukę muzyki rozpoczęła jako 9-ciolatka od prywatnych lekcji fortepianu. Dalej kształciła się w Średniej Szkole Muzycznej II-go st. im. Wł. Żeleńskiego w Krakowie w klasie prof. Zofii Altkorn na Wydziale Wokalnym. Następnie ukończyła Studium Wokalno -Aktorskie w Krakowie i naukę muzyki przeniosła do Katowic na Wydział Wokalno- Aktorski Akademii Muzycznej, w klasie prof. Alicji Słowakiewicz. Naukę przerwała. Obecnie kontynuuje naukę u prof. Roberta Nakonecznego. Miłość do opery dzieli z innymi gatunkami muzyki śpiewając również koncerty musicalowe i jazzowe. Wykształcenie muzyczne nie jest jedynym. Marta Witosławska jest absolwentką Państwowego Liceum Sztuk Plastycznych w Krakowie i Politechniki Krakowskiej na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki. Prowadzi własną pracownie architektoniczną. Specjalizuje się w projektach budynków zabytkowych. Resztę wolnego czasu poświęca pasjom: fotografii podróżom i żeglarstwu jako jachtowy sternik morski.

Marta Witosławska ( 8.13.1976) She began her adventure with music as a nine-year- old girl, by playing the piano. She finished Music High School in Cracow, in prof. Zofia Altkorn class, in the vocal department. Next she finished college in the vocal and acting department in Cracow and continued her music education at the Academy of Music in Katowice with prof. Alicja Słowakiewicz. Now, Marta is continuing her study with prof. Robert Nakoneczny. She performs not only opera but also jazz. Marta Witosławska is a graduate of High Art School in Cracow and Cracow. Polytechnic Architecture and Urbanism Department. She is working in her architectural studio, specializes in projects of renovation of buildings under conservation protection. Her free time passions are: photographing, travel and sailing as yacht skipper.

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